PSAD: The Moving Image

Maya Modelling

My assignment task is to design and model a Space-Based Escape Pod using Maya. In this project, I aim to showcase my hard surface modelling skills. To support my work, I will include referenced images of my design and screen captures throughout the development process. These captures will encompass wireframes, orthographic projections, and other relevant information contributing to my design process.

Design Inspiration

To gather design inspiration, I turned to Pinterest and conducted a search for existing space escape pod designs. I curated a dedicated board that showcases my findings, and you can view it here to explore the various designs I discovered.

Figure 1: Here is a screenshot of my Pinterest board, displaying a selection of the designs I have pinned for reference.

Modelling Process

I initiated the modelling process using Maya software with my sketches and inspiration board as my guide. Specifically, I referred to two YouTube videos that provided valuable insights and techniques for achieving the desired design outcome. By combining elements from both videos, I meticulously crafted the model. Presented below is a comprehensive account, resembling a step-by-step procedure, showcasing the evolution of the model.

Click images to expand.

Final Product

Figure 20 illustrates the outcome of the modelling phase, capturing the final desired look. With this achievement, I can now proceed to the next crucial step: UV unwrapping. This process will enable me to breathe life into the final product, enhancing its visual appeal and adding essential details.

Rejected Design

When I first embarked on the modelling journey, I opted for a different design reference. However, I soon realised that this particular reference was too challenging and advanced, especially considering it was my first time using Maya. Consequently, I encountered several difficulties along the way. Presented below are a few screenshots showcasing the short-lived process of the rejected design.


  • Maya Learning Channel.2018. Intro to Maya: Lesson 3 / 10 – 3D Modeling your first model. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 02 May 2023].
  • JL Mussi. 2019. Maya Hard Surface Modeling: Spherical Shapes. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 02 May 2023].